In Memory

Keith Johnson

December 16, 2014

From Keith Johnson Obituary

Who has lived well,
laughed often and loved much
Who has gained the respect of
intelligent men and the love of children
Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task
Who leaves the world better than he found
it-whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem
or a rescued soul. Who never lacked appreciation
of earth's beauty or failed to express it
Who looked for the best in others and
gave the best that he had.
~ A. J. Stavely ~

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The best choice I made when starting my job in the Fire Marshal's office was choosing a desk within "earshot" of Keith. His sharp sense of humor and ability to name songs from the 50s and 60s made the day fly by. And after the rest of us hashed out a complictaed code question without resolution, Keith would pull his nose out of his code book and would humbly offer the right answer. Often!

I will miss Keith dearly and think of him each and everytime I spy a shipping container on the waterfront, or hear the Inkspots on the oldies radio....

Conratulations on a life well-lived, Keith..........
